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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus..

Our Work

Adult & Youth Justice

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sit amet sapien fringilla, mattis ligula consectetur, ultrices mauris. Maecenas vitae mattis tellus..

Icon List

Vertically stacked list of items with the option to add an icon for each item.

  • Main heading is displayed below the intro content next to the list.
  • Boomerang svgs at the top of the component appear to overflow into the component above.
  • Options to choose background color. When background color is set to the site color the top section will be the dark texture and vice versa.
Label Name Type Notes
Content tab
Introduction Content? icon_list_introduction_content true_false
Heading icon_list_intro wysiwyg
Description icon_list_description wysiwyg
List tab
Main Heading icon_list_main_heading group (Clone of Utility : Heading)
List icon_list_list repeater Repeater with Icon field, Title field and wysiwyg field
Settings tab
Background Color icon_list_background_color button_group