Social Justice
by the Numbers

Together we can do anything. If you can’t donate time, please donate monetary support. Your allyship keeps our advocacy going and growing.


151,549 adults in Kansas have suspended licenses because of unpaid court fees or fines.

Testimonial Slider

Two column component with content on left and testimonal slider on right. Looks best when at least 4 testimonials are used

  • Max of 6 testimonials
  • Slide pulls in the excerpt from the Testimonal CPT
    • If a full testimonial is added then a "Read More" button is added below the excerpt in the slide and when clicked pop up containing the full testimonal appears.
  • Vertically stacked dots are used for navigating the slider instead of arrow buttons
  • Option to choose background color - cream or dark texture
Label Name Type Notes
Content tab
Main Heading testimonial_slider_main_heading group (Clone of Utility : Heading)
Intro Content testimonial_slider_content wysiwyg
Slides testimonial_slider_slides repeater
Settings tab
Background Color testimonial_slider_background_color button_group (Clone of Utility : Background Color With Image)