Request for Assistance
As an advocacy organization, Kansas Appleseed works towards laws and policies to achieve systemic change. While Kansas Appleseed does not handle individual cases or provide direct individualized assistance, we hope to help support you by directing you to helpful resources.
Office of the Child Advocate: The mission of the Office of the Child Advocate (OCA) is to safeguard that all Kansas children, who have the right to be cherished and the opportunity to thrive, are safe from abuse, neglect, and harm by providing independent oversight and increased accountability of our state’s foster care system, improving delivery and deepening confidence in the child welfare system. The OCA completes an impartial, independent review of Kansas child welfare policies, procedures, and practices, including an independent investigation and evaluation of concerns voiced by children, families, and other individuals. Learn more at www.childadvocate.ks.gov or contact toll free at 1-844-KS-CHILD (1-844-572-4453).
Kansas Family Advisory Network: KFAN’s mission is to promote the restoration of children, caregivers, and families through support, education, advocacy, training, and spiritual guidance on their journey to wholeness. KFAN believes every family deserves the chance to be empowered with the knowledge & tools they need to advocate for their family. The Kansas Family Advisory Network believes that birth and kinship families have rights & should have the ability to advocate for and exercise their rights. KFAN provides case management, parenting classes, therapy, advocacy, support groups, and spiritual guidance. Learn more at www.kfan.org.
FosterAdopt Connect: FosterAdopt Connect believes every kid deserves a childhood free of abuse and neglect within a family that offers love, stability, safety. FosterAdopt Connect actively monitors the changing needs of children in foster and adoptive care within the community to identify gaps in available services. To fill these gaps, FosterAdopt Connect searches nationally and internationally for best practices to implement, and if none are available, creates innovative solutions to improve outcomes for the children and families. Learn more at www.fosteradopt.org.
Kansas Legal Services: Kansas Legal Services is devoted to helping low income Kansans meet their basic needs through the provision of important legal and mediation services. KLS is legal aid in Kansas, providing equal access to justice for the most vulnerable Kansans. Kansas Legal Services offers information and help with a variety of issues such as: abuse and stalking, disability, discrimination, employment, guardianship, housing, juveniles, and legal questions. Visit KLS’ website at: www.kansaslegalservices.org.
Kansas 211: Kansas 211 provides a singular place to get help on a wide range of issues, including food assistance, housing and shelter, transportation, mental health and addiction, and employment and education. 211 is able to link callers to services within their own community. You can call 211 from any phone or visit them at www.211kansas.org.
If you would still like to contact us about an issue relating to our work, please fill out this form.